0x801c005a Hybrid Azure AD Join Error

Our first devices, which should be integrated hybrid, reported back with the error 0x801c005a.The formulated error message was: Initially we focused on the attribute “userCertificate“, because this was the only documented attribute in this context. But after some analysis and with Microsoft’s support, it turned out that another


MECM PowerShell Scripts

I´ve updated my MECM PowerShell Toolbox: Get-MECMDeviceVariables.ps1 The script queries all device variables of one or all devices and optionally exports them to a CSV file. Set-MECMDeviceVariable.ps1 The script creates device variables. Either a single variable to a device or multiple variables are created by importing a file. Get-MECMPackagesOnDPGroups.ps1 The

MECM/SCCM, PowerShell

MEMCM App Importer

With the help of the tool, applications can be created in MEMCM. Optionally, the Powershell App Deployment Toolkit (PSADT) can be used. The tool fills all necessary basics in the script “Deploy-Application.ps1”.Currently the tool is limited to device assignment, user assignment is planned for the next release. The information of

MECM/SCCM, PowerShell

Display Inventory

The information about connected displays in WMI are not easy to read. The command will give you the following output: You can use the PowerShell Script below to convert the output and create a new WMI Class and publish the information. You can use the following command to get the