Display Inventory
The information about connected displays in WMI are not easy to read. The command
Get-WmiObject WmiMonitorID -Namespace root\wmi
will give you the following output:
Active : True InstanceName : DISPLAY\ENC2530\4&307c4481&0&UID224795_0 ManufacturerName : {69, 78, 67, 0...} ProductCodeID : {50, 53, 51, 48...} SerialNumberID : {51, 53, 56, 53...} UserFriendlyName : {69, 86, 50, 52...} UserFriendlyNameLength : 13 WeekOfManufacture : 37 YearOfManufacture : 2016
You can use the PowerShell Script below to convert the output and create a new WMI Class and publish the information.
$Monitors = Get-WmiObject WmiMonitorID -Namespace root\wmi $MonitorInfo = @() $ManufacturerList = @{ "AAC" = "AcerView"; "ACR" = "Acer"; "AOC" = "AOC"; "AIC" = "AG Neovo"; "APP" = "Apple Computer"; "AST" = "AST Research"; "AUO" = "Asus"; "BNQ" = "BenQ"; "CMO" = "Acer"; "CPL" = "Compal"; "CPQ" = "Compaq"; "CPT" = "Chunghwa Pciture Tubes, Ltd."; "CTX" = "CTX"; "DEC" = "DEC"; "DEL" = "Dell"; "DPC" = "Delta"; "DWE" = "Daewoo"; "EIZ" = "EIZO"; "ELS" = "ELSA"; "ENC" = "EIZO"; "EPI" = "Envision"; "FCM" = "Funai"; "FUJ" = "Fujitsu"; "FUS" = "Fujitsu-Siemens"; "GSM" = "LG Electronics"; "GWY" = "Gateway 2000"; "HEI" = "Hyundai"; "HIT" = "Hyundai"; "HSL" = "Hansol"; "HTC" = "Hitachi/Nissei"; "HWP" = "Hewlett-Packard"; "IBM" = "IBM"; "ICL" = "Fujitsu ICL"; "IVM" = "Iiyama"; "KDS" = "Korea Data Systems"; "LEN" = "Lenovo"; "LGD" = "Asus"; "LPL" = "Fujitsu"; "MAX" = "Belinea"; "MEI" = "Panasonic"; "MEL" = "Mitsubishi Electronics"; "MS_" = "Panasonic"; "NAN" = "Nanao"; "NEC" = "NEC"; "NOK" = "Nokia Data"; "NVD" = "Fujitsu"; "OPT" = "Optoma"; "PHL" = "Philips"; "REL" = "Relisys"; "SAN" = "Samsung"; "SAM" = "Samsung"; "SBI" = "Smarttech"; "SGI" = "SGI"; "SNY" = "Sony"; "SRC" = "Shamrock"; "SUN" = "Sun Microsystems"; "SEC" = "Hewlett-Packard"; "TAT" = "Tatung"; "TOS" = "Toshiba"; "TSB" = "Toshiba"; "VSC" = "ViewSonic"; "ZCM" = "Zenith"; "UNK" = "Unknown"; "_YV" = "Fujitsu"; } ForEach ($Monitor in $Monitors) { $IN = $Monitor.InstanceName $IN = $IN.Substring(0,$IN.Length -2) $MI = @{} $MI.MonitorID = (($Monitor.InstanceName).Split("\"))[1] $MI.PnpID = (((Get-WMIObject Win32_PnPEntity -Filter "Service='monitor'" | Where-Object {$_.PNPDeviceID -like "*$($MI.MonitorID)*"}).PNPDeviceID).Split("\"))[2] $MI.Name = (Get-WMIObject Win32_PnPEntity -Filter "Service='monitor'" | Where-Object {$_.PNPDeviceID -eq $IN}).Name $MI.Manufacturer = ($Monitor.ManufacturerName -gt 0 | ForEach{[char]$_}) -join "" $MI.Model = ($Monitor.UserFriendlyName -gt 0 | ForEach{[char]$_}) -join "" $MI.SerialNumber = ($Monitor.SerialNumberID -gt 0 | ForEach{[char]$_}) -join "" $MI.ManufacturingYear = $Monitor.YearOfManufacture $MI.ManufacturingWeek = $Monitor.WeekOfManufacture $Connection = (Get-CimInstance -Namespace root\wmi -ClassName WmiMonitorConnectionParams | Where-Object {$_.InstanceName -eq $Monitor.InstanceName}).VideoOutputTechnology If ($Connection -eq "4") {$MI.Connection = "DVI"} ElseIf ($Connection -eq "5") {$MI.Connection = "HDMI"} ElseIf ($Connection -eq "10") {$MI.Connection = "DP"} Else {$MI.Connection = "Unknown"} If ( $ManufacturerList[$MI.Manufacturer] ) { $MI.Manufacturer = $ManufacturerList[$MI.Manufacturer] } $MonitorInfo += $MI } $Class = Get-WmiObject Win32_MonitorDetails -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue If ($Class) {Remove-WmiObject -Class Win32_MonitorDetails} $WMIClass = New-Object System.Management.ManagementClass("root\cimv2", [String]::Empty, $null); $WMIClass["__CLASS"] = "Win32_MonitorDetails"; $WMIClass.Qualifiers.Add("Static", $true) $WMIClass.Properties.Add("PnPID", [System.Management.CimType]::String, $false) $WMIClass.Properties["PnPID"].Qualifiers.Add("read", $true) $WMIClass.Properties.Add("ManufacturingYear", [System.Management.CimType]::UInt32, $false) $WMIClass.Properties["ManufacturingYear"].Qualifiers.Add("read", $true) $WMIClass.Properties.Add("ManufacturingWeek", [System.Management.CimType]::UInt32, $false) $WMIClass.Properties["ManufacturingWeek"].Qualifiers.Add("read", $true) $WMIClass.Properties.Add("Manufacturer", [System.Management.CimType]::String, $false) $WMIClass.Properties["Manufacturer"].Qualifiers.Add("read", $true) $WMIClass.Properties.Add("Model", [System.Management.CimType]::String, $false) $WMIClass.Properties["Model"].Qualifiers.Add("read", $true) $WMIClass.Properties.Add("Name", [System.Management.CimType]::String, $false) $WMIClass.Properties["Name"].Qualifiers.Add("read", $true) $WMIClass.Properties.Add("SerialNumber", [System.Management.CimType]::String, $false) $WMIClass.Properties["SerialNumber"].Qualifiers.Add("key", $true) $WMIClass.Properties["SerialNumber"].Qualifiers.Add("read", $true) $WMIClass.Properties.Add("MonitorID", [System.Management.CimType]::String, $false) $WMIClass.Properties["MonitorID"].Qualifiers.Add("read", $true) $WMIClass.Properties.Add("Connection", [System.Management.CimType]::String, $false) $WMIClass.Properties["Connection"].Qualifiers.Add("read", $true) $WMIClass.Put() ForEach ($MInfo in $MonitorInfo) { [void](Set-WmiInstance -Path \\.\root\cimv2:Win32_MonitorDetails -Arguments @{Connection=$MInfo.Connection; MonitorID=$MInfo.MonitorID; PnPID= $MInfo.PnPID; ManufacturingYear=$MInfo.ManufacturingYear; ManufacturingWeek=$MInfo.ManufacturingWeek; Manufacturer=$MInfo.Manufacturer; Model=$MInfo.Model; Name=$MInfo.Name; SerialNumber=$MInfo.SerialNumber}) }
You can use the following command to get the user friendly output:
Get-WmiObject Win32_MonitorDetails
Connection : DP Manufacturer : Fujitsu-Siemens ManufacturingWeek : 28 ManufacturingYear : 2016 Model : B24-8 TE Pro MonitorID : FUS087C Name : PnP-Monitor (Standard) PnPID : 4&35206AC6&0&UID257587 SerialNumber : YV9S205815
Now you can use the new class for Config Manager Hardware Inventory.
Go to Administration -> Client Settings and edit your Default Client Setting.
Select Hardware Inventory and Set Classes…
Select Add… and connect to a computer with the new class
Check the new class (in my picture it is already active)
Activate the new class
The next step is to deploy the PowerShell script to your clients.
You can download an installer and the whole script on Github:
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