Find task sequence references
Sometimes it is difficult to keep track of which task sequence references a particular package, application or driver. Especially if the environment is somewhat larger and you are working with development task sequences, for example.
For applications it is now visible via the console, but for packages, drivers etc. you need help, e.g. via PowerShell.
I have written a script that queries the WMI instead of using the cmdlets, which has a huge speed advantage.
The script either writes the output directly to the terminal window or exports the information to a CSV file.
Get task sequence references for an object
Version 1.0
Author Rene Hartmann
Creation Date 02.01.2024
The script queries task sequence references for an object and list relevant information
Object name to query
Object ID to query
FQDN of the MEMCM Site Server
MEMCM Site Code
If set, a CSV file with the queried variables will be created.
PS> Get-TSReference.ps1 -ID "AA100351" -SiteServer "" -SiteCode "AA1" -ExportPath "C:\References.csv"
PS> Get-TSReference.ps1 -Name "Firefox" -SiteServer "" -SiteCode "AA1" -ExportPath "C:\References.csv"
PS> Get-TSReference.ps1 -ID "AA100351" -SiteServer "" -SiteCode "AA1"
PS> Get-TSReference.ps1 -Name "Firefox" -SiteServer "" -SiteCode "AA1"
param (
If ($ID) {
$References = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $SiteServer -Namespace "root\sms\site_$SiteCode" -query "SELECT * FROM SMS_TasksequencePackagereference WHERE RefpackageID = '$($ID)'"
If ($Name) {
$References = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $SiteServer -Namespace "root\sms\site_$SiteCode" -query "SELECT * FROM SMS_TasksequencePackagereference WHERE ObjectName LIKE '%$($Name)%'"
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$ReferenceList = @()
Foreach ($Reference in $References) {
If ($Reference.ObjectType -eq 0) {$ObjectType = "Package"}
Elseif ($Reference.ObjectType -eq 3) {$ObjectType = "Driver"}
Elseif ($Reference.ObjectType -eq 5) {$ObjectType = "Softwareupdate"}
Elseif ($Reference.ObjectType -eq 257) {$ObjectType = "Image"}
Elseif ($Reference.ObjectType -eq 258) {$ObjectType = "Boot Image"}
Elseif ($Reference.ObjectType -eq 259) {$ObjectType = "OS Install Image"}
Elseif ($Reference.ObjectType -eq 512) {$ObjectType = "Application"}
$TSInfo = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $SiteServer -Namespace "root\sms\site_$SiteCode" -query "SELECT * FROM SMS_TasksequencePackage WHERE PackageID = '$($Reference.packageid)'"
$NewReferenceObject = [pscustomobject]@{'ObjectName'=$Reference.ObjectName;'ObjectType'=$ObjectType;'TSName'=$TSInfo.Name;'TSPath'=$TSInfo.ObjectPath;'TSID'=$TSInfo.PackageID}
$ReferenceList.add($NewReferenceObject) | out-null
$NewReferenceObject = $null
If ($ExportPath) {$ReferenceList | Export-Csv -Path $ExportPath -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation}
Else {$ReferenceList | Format-Table}
The script and other useful scripts can be found in my toolbox: