MECM/SCCM, PowerShell

MEMCM App Importer

With the help of the tool, applications can be created in MEMCM. Optionally, the Powershell App Deployment Toolkit (PSADT) can be used. The tool fills all necessary basics in the script “Deploy-Application.ps1”.
Currently the tool is limited to device assignment, user assignment is planned for the next release.

The information of installation files (MSI/EXE) can be read out (for EXE strongly depending on the manufacturer) and the fields can be partially filled automatically.
For the detection of applications, the product code or a PowerShell script can currently be used.
It is also stored in each package a Pkg.Info file with the information of the package. With the help of this file packages can be read into the tool again.

In the “MEMCM” tab all actions related to MEMCM are executed. Some variables of the commands can be adjusted via the corresponding buttons.

The DP groups are read out automatically.

Basic settings can be saved on the “Configuration” tab.

When the tool is started, a log file is stored in the same directory in the “Logs” folder, which records all actions and also logs any errors.

Package folder:

  • Vendor_Name_Version_Language_Architecture_Revision

Application name:

  • Name Version

Localized name:

  • Name Version

Deployment type:

  • Vendor_Name_Version_Language_Architecture


  • Vendor_Name_Version_Language_Architecture_Install
  • Vendor_Name_Version_Language_Architecture_Uninstall



  • Add application icon

Whats next?
The following is planned for the next releases:

  • User assignment
  • Changeable date and time for the deployments
  • Customizable naming of apps, deployment types, collections etc.
  • Add application icon

3rd Party
The tool is based on PowerShell and XAML.
I have used the following in the tool:


The tool can be found on Github: